Here’s some more inconvenient truths!

Back in the early 60’s I’d heard an extremely plausible story of a famous man whom you all know who was abducted by your Masonic deep state after a faked assassination using his Secret Service body double as the mark, and some supposedly Russian-trained renegade Marine as the shooter, who was then taken to Russia and regularly tortured in the most hideous manner possible before finally being put out of his misery with a single shot to the head not long before Reagan became CEO of the District of Columbia Corporation ~ According to what I’d been told by one of the men working for the Central Intelligence Agency who’d told me of the actual Dealy Plaza event 11 days before it happened, definitely in the loop, the entire open-air assassination was simply enacted to create a cover story for the abduction, the methodical lying that followed also used to undermine stability in the American politique and break the back of truth in the constitutional republic or in other words there was some high level treason and some illuminated espionage going down…

I’ll repeat, in layman’s terms there was high-level treason chess and espionage going down…

In addition to the severe torture they used to create endorphins in the victim’s blood which was drunk by those participating who consumed it for a high it gave to them, it’s the mode of torture on that well-known abductee by Russian psychopaths who had regularly tormented him until his death that warrants this comment here, in the context of an inconvenient truth, as the man who told me of the Dealy Plaza incident 11 days before it happened told that the favorite method of torture of one of his torturers pictured immediately above was to literally fellate his victim until ejaculation and then chew on the victim’s knob until the victim’s blood contained the optimum level of endorphin saturation, then him and his Knight of Malta Masonic friends would literally slice the knob off completely and then drink the blood until it stopped spurting tho in the case of the famous man I’m referring to, they just opened a vein and took their fill without killing him…

If you’d seen what CIA did to babies in front of me, you’d understand why it was plausible…

They sold you magic bullets, Vietnam MIA, Apollo landings, Islamic skyscraper demolitions?

Then they sold you a mutating bat virus pandemic oxymoron that killed a million Americans?

Again the title was some more inconvenient truths, there’s more than one of them isn’t there…

I’ve given due diligence to the subject, my perspective on espionage and treason is accurate…

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